I started looking for grocery apps that work in Canada for the same reason I assume most people do: to save money.
In the Our Bill Pickle house, we spend an average of about $100-$120 a week on food. Yes. That’s for two adults without kids.
We aren’t eating extravagant meals or anything. In fact, most weeks, our grocery lists look fairly similar: a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, eggs, cheese and a few other odds and ends.
Sometimes, we’ll add meat of some kind for Jeff but for the most part, that’s it. We shop sales and I have been known to buy make-down items that I know can keep well in the freezer to save a couple bucks.
Yet, it is rare for us to cash out below $100.
So when I finally found two grocery apps that work in Canada, I jumped on board quick. Why not? It’s not like I had anything to lose.
(Disclaimer: This post does contain referral links. They’re clearly labelled. If you sign up for one of these apps using my link, I will receive a small bonus at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
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