My first credit card was an RBC Visa. I still remember the process of getting it.
A few weeks after turning 19, I took the bus to the bank. After speaking with the teller, she pulled out an application form and led me a small table. I sat down, filled it out, then turned it in to be sent off.
I didn’t read any of the terms and conditions (although I checked the box saying I did).
A couple weeks later, the card arrived in the mail. A little red sticker on the front explained how to activate it; I followed the instructions then stuck it in my wallet.
A decade later, I still have and use that same card. Looking back, I wish someone at the bank had talked with me about how to use it in a responsible way, although I think I have gotten a good handle on it over the years.
I still use credit cards. And even though we have been working hard to pay off our $55K debt, I don’t have any intention of stopping.